Treat someone you love to a gift from Ancestry®.


Treat someone you love to a gift from Ancestry®.

Treat someone you love to a gift from Ancestry®.

Give a gift that truly surprises with AncestryDNA®.

Give a gift that truly surprises with AncestryDNA®.

Help someone trace their family story with a Gift Membership.*

Help someone trace their family story with a Gift Membership.*

With AncestryDNA® you can:

With AncestryDNA® you can:

With a membership to Ancestry® you can:

With a membership to Ancestry® you can:

Find your origins in over 2,600 regions worldwide.

Trace your ancestors’ journeys over time.

Connect with new relatives through DNA matches.

See how your ethnicity estimate is split between each parent.

Learn historical and geographical insights about your ancestors.

Build a family tree and learn about your ancestors.

Search billions of records from around the world.

Get Ancestry Hints® to help guide your search.

Explore new records, with over 4 billion added this year.

Use new features and tools to add more color and insight to your story.

*Gift membership offer is available for new gift memberships only and not for renewal of current gift memberships. Terms apply.

Give a gift that truly surprises with AncestryDNA®.

Help someone trace their family story with a Gift Membership.*

*Gift membership offer is available for new gift memberships only and not for renewal of current gift memberships. Terms apply.